ΡΛЯΛMOЯΕ. She came up with this entire IDEA.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Bengin sat, staring at all the cats. They moved slowly, cautiously. She leaped on top of her cave-like den."Everyone!" She yowled in her fear striking voice."I have decided that we will be moving. We shall go to a new area, and find more cats to bring into our "group". She purred."Everyone, grab a partner and go hunt. Be back here by the time-" She stopped, leaped down, and padded a mouse-length or two from a tree stump."Be back here by the time the shadow of the stump reaches here." Bengin yowled after determining a good time."And if you don't, well, I'm sure you all know the punishment." She smiled coldly at the mutes."Get going!"


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Talon approached Bengin. "Would you like me to go hunting with you, or one of the mutes?"

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Bengin hesitated."Hunt with a mute. They'll need it." She said."I'm staying here to make sure everyone returns on time." She padded to the stumped and sat by it, marking the limit.

Dovewing said...

Redfur stood up and gave his pelt a shake. He padded over to Dove. "Let's go. We don't have a lot of time," he growled. Dove stood up and padded out of camp after him.

Anonymous said...

Nix sat protectively beside his sister. "Let's go," he hissed to her.

Joann W. said...

Tyari's ear twitched suddenly, still cautious about everything else. She figured most of them would choose their siblings, and headed out on her own. I'll take whoever finds me out here.

Rin rose her lips in a snarl as Bengin smiled at the mutes but didn't make any sound. That means she'll kill the mutes or something, considering we're already mutes. She started to head out on her own, not knowing which cat to pick as her partner anyway.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

(If you aren't back on time, you either lose your tongue or get some real wounds to think about.

Formerly-Sunset said...

The grey she-cat glanced at Bengin. "Would you like for me to stay here with you or hunt as well?" Reina asked.

Makkuro exchanged Bengin's smile with an icy glare; he probably would have growled at her if he could. The black tom thought about what the dictator said about traveling though, and how he could use it to his advantage. Traveling could be a good distraction...I might be able to get away from the others easily. He got to his paws and padded away from the den, looking for a partner to hunt with. But, the whole point of traveling is to gain more cats, not lose them....would they go after me again if I escaped?

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

(LOL yes, they would. Bengin is an excellent trapper, and would probably kill him as soon as she got the chance. I know it's unfair, but that's the point of dictatorship. It kinda shows you how some people are forced to live :P)

Formerly-Sunset said...

(So sad, yes. But we must remember that Makkuro's mind works in odd ways. XD)

Anonymous said...

Cherry sighed then padded out of the shadows and bumped into Makkuro, she blinked at him, feeling sorry for the tom. She gave an uneasy smile when Bengin wasn't looking, "How about we hunt?" She asked. She white and black pelt ruffled with tension.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Makkuro was about to shoot a glare at the she-cat for bumping into him, but he held back. Instead, he simply nodded calmly. He'd rather hunt with Cherry than one of the other, more hostile cats.


(Reina's still waiting for Bengin to answer her.)

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Bengin looked around."Go hunt. I shall hunt once we get moving. I must make sure every cat returns." She said in a hostile tone. She flicked her tail impatiently.

Joann W. said...

Tyari's ear twitched as she moved along the forest floor. Sparrow. It's timid chirp felt like it was piercing through the silence to the lithe she-cat. She crouched low, eyes narrowed, and pounced, hooking a claw to its wing to ensure a catch.

Rin's tail flicked as she gazed at the forest, parting her jaws to let any trace of prey flow in. She caught a whiff of rabbit, and turned to see a flash of brown fur. The mute let low, pounced, but missed and made the rabbit sprint across the undergrowth. She gave it a chase, paws thumping the ground, until she managed to sink her claws into the prey. And, done.

Anonymous said...

Cherry grinned, hoping that Bengin wasn't looking then headed out with Makkuro. When they were out of range of Bengin's ears. She let out a hiss.

(She's a very kind cat and doesn't like the way Bengin treats everyone )

Anonymous said...

Nix and Arrow fell into the familiar pattern of hunting. The twins stalked forward as one, green eyes glinting as Nix nudged Arrow, scenting a rabbit. Arrow blinked, and they split apart. Arrow crouched, hidden, while Nix snarled, scaring the rabbit right into her grasp. Arrow killed it with surprising efficiency. "Good job," Nix whispered, licking her ear. Arrow smiled at her brother and glanced behind her, thinking she saw Makkuro. She turned and butted her head affectionately against her brother's flank. Quickly, she buried her catch and she and Nix continued to hunt.(Arrow has a crush on Makkuro, if that's okay)

Formerly-Sunset said...

Ignoring the hostile tone in Bengin's voice, Reina followed orders and left camp. She first smelt the air for a cat to hunt with, but none where near by. However, she smelt a squirrel not far off and the grey she-cat decided to just start hunting.

Makkuro followed Cherry out of the camp. He was about to smell the air for scents of prey, but heard a hiss come from the she-cat. He turned and gave her a questioning look.

Joann W. said...

(Sunset, do you want one of my cats to hunt with Reina? They're both alone.)

Formerly-Sunset said...

(Sure ^^)

Joann W. said...

(Rin or Tyari? :P)

Formerly-Sunset said...

(Either is fine.)

Joann W. said...


Rin held onto her rabbit, holding it in her jaws as she looked for a place to bury it. As soon as she set it down, she scented a squirrel, and ducked under the vines beside her to see a gray flash and the squirrel's disappearance. She stepped out of her hidden area to come face to face with the dictator's other.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Reina darted forward and grabbed the squirrel in her jaws, killing it with one bite. He turned to see a dark brown tabby looking back at her. "Hello, Rin," she meowed, her voice muffled by the squirrel in her mouth.

Anonymous said...

(Sorry, late comment --" )

Cherry, caught his gaze then shrugged. Then scented the air.

Dovewing said...

Dove managed to catch a dove, rabbit, and 2 mice while Redfur caught 2 squirrels, a rabbit, and a bluejay. Dove kicked dirt over her kill and watched Redfur snap the ravbit's beck with one, swift blow. "Imagine doing that to a cat," she thought with a shudder.

Joann W. said...

Rin blinked at her, silent. Her tail flicked towards the place she buried her prey, unable to say anything. The mute stared into Reina's gaze and shook her head, frustrated.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Reina glanced from Rin to the place she was pointing. She was able to smell that it was Rin was keeping her fresh kill. Trying to figure out what the mute wanted, she padded over Rin's burried prey. She dug up a little of the dirt, set down her squirrel, then pushed the dirt back over it. "Back to hunting..." she meowed.

Makkuro just rolled his eyes and smelt the air. A mouse, easy. He crept toward the scent, light on his paws. It wasn't long before the small brown furred creature came into sight. With a swift dash forward, the mouse was his.


Joann W. said...

Rin nodded, parting her jaws to scent the air. A sudden chirp startled her, but she crept towards the sound, her ear twitching to motion for Reina to follow. Crow...

Formerly-Sunset said...

Reina gave a slight nod and crept toward Rin. She dropped into a crouch and kept her ears perked.

Joann W. said...

Rin slid to the side, wanting to surround it before the prey had a chance to flee. Her amber eyes narrowed in concentration as she planned it out in her head.

Dovewing said...

Redfur walked over to Dove. "Get your catch. We've caught enough," he growled, picking up his kills and heading back to the camp. Dove quickly picked up her prey and trotted after him. Once they were bak in the camp, Redfur dropped his rabbit at Bengin's feet and sat outside her den, the bluejay at his feet. Dove set her kills down and started eating a mouse.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Reina glanced at the crow, then at Rin. Now is the time to catch it, before it flies away...

After catching a mouse and a robin, Makkuro gripped his fresh kill in his jaws. He turned and looked at Cherry, wondering if she was ready to head back to camp yet.

Joann W. said...

Rin blinked at Reina's gaze, flicking her tail to the side in agreement. She crouched, bending her haunches and pouncing quickly, sinking her teeth and killing the crow the first chance she got.