ΡΛЯΛMOЯΕ. She came up with this entire IDEA.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Welcome to Bengin's Dictatorship. Please read the rules before joining:

Here is the form:

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.):
Character Age:
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo):
Personality (4 or more sentences):
Roleplay Sample:
Plot Ideas:

Available Ranks:
Ears (2/3)
Votaries (2)
Mutes (3)

Thanks for joining! I hope you find role-playing this fun!


Joann W. said...

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.): Tyari
Character Age: 16
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Ear
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo): Tyari is a lithe she-cat with a pelt the colors of a sunset, mixed in with the black of night. Her eyes are a startling amber, the hues blending until they formed the color of honey. Her tail resembles a fox's closely, and so does her personality. A jagged scar is ripped through her right eye, although she can see clearly. Despite Tyari's bright pelt, she blends in easily with the background, although no one knows how. (
Personality (4 or more sentences): She's a fierce, unforgiving cat, with the makings of a great fighter. Her yowls in battle pierce through the night, but they are never of pain. She's more quick than strong, but can and will finish a cat easily. She's clever and cunning, tricking cats into thinking the wrong thing is the right one.
History: Suspicion creeped over her from the very start, ever since her parents neglected her for five moons, and then left. In the five moons, while Tyari was still a kit, she hung on to them, not wanting to believe the had abandoned her. After those five moons, she left, traveling to distant lands. She fought off foxes, badgers, cats, and even the clutches of one or two humans. Wounds were opened, healed, and created the scar raked across her right eye. She found a clan named BreezeClan and was called Dapplefang. She was exiled by their leader, and went through the forest until she found Bengin, who had taken her in.
Roleplay Sample: Tyari padded through the forest, looking at the sky where the moon shone, but no stars could be seen. "Perfect," she muttered. After BreezeClan, she didn't need anymore 'StarClan' or anything like that. She padded into a clearing, tail lashing. Whoever was here, she thought, would have to deal with me.
Plot Ideas: Try for overthrow, preferably someone Bengin won't expect to be.
Comments: I hate dictatorship and yet I'm still joining. xD The um, age is in cat years. In human years it'd be 80. o.o

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

-15 moons
-Talon is a long haired dark brown tabby tom cat with a large, well-built frame. His underbelly is white, his amber eyes piercing. He is really tall with huge paws and a longer tail.
-Talon is a noble tom cat. His speed and agility for his size are a bit abnormal, the average muscular tabby tom isn't as quick as him. He is really strong and would protect Benign with his life.
-He's an only child, and got raised by his parents in the mountains. Sadly, a cougar killed his parents and he came to the forest for a new start.
-Talon sat infront of Benign's den, and suddenly a scrawny black cat tried to get in. Talon lunged at it, scoring his claws down it's side. Talon held the cat down.
-Maybe...uhh...I don't know, a fire?
-I can't wait to start roleplaying!

Anonymous said...

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.): Cherry
Character Age: 9 moons
Gender: She Cat
Rank: Ear
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo):,550x550,075, Cherry is an undersized black and white she cat with blue eyes that change colours.
Personality (4 or more sentences): Cherry is very creative; she loves to daydream and do things her own way. She can be a little shy at first, and she's not the best at having conversations. She's calm and quiet most of the time, but she's also kind and fun-loving.
History: Unknown. She doesn't tell anyone.
Roleplay Sample: Cherry fluffed up her fur against the cold air. Her black and white pelt blended in with the shadows as she waited for Bengin to come in. When the ginger she cat padded in. The young Ear stepped out of the shadows. "You wanted to see me?"
Plot Ideas: Um... Sorry. Got none --"
Comments: Um.. I like the look. The join thing is a little long though.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Character Name: Makkuro
Character Age: 18 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Mute
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo): Makkuro is a small and lean tom with ruffled pitch black fur. Even though his claws are small, they are sharper than thorns. His eyes are a pale grey-blue color and always seem very expressive.
Personality (4 or more sentences): Makkuro uses a lot of body language to make up for his lack of words, but sometimes that isn’t enough because trying to explain things is very frustrating for him. He gets easily annoyed and often prefers to be left alone. He is swift and stealthy; an excellent fighter and hunter. Many doubt whether he’s sane or not, for he acts oddly sometimes and often gets lost in his own mind. Makkuro never really trusted any cat in the first place, and ever since he lost Bengin’s trust, he has trusted other cats and even himself less than before. He only really stays and follows Bengin’s orders because he isn’t allowed to leave, but he would much rather be living on his own.
History: Makkuro never really told anyone about his history before joining Bengin’s dictatorship, and he can’t now that he’s lost his tongue. The farthest back Makkuro’s known history goes is the day that Bengin forced him to be one of her followers. Living as a votary, he cooperated for a while and didn’t cause any problems. Then Makkuro snapped and decided he couldn’t take it anymore. He was able to escape the camp and make it out of the territory before he was found and dragged back. Bengin obviously didn’t trust him after that, so she ripped out his tongue and made sure that he is never out of sight. Now Makkuro lives as a mute, seeming like he’s insane and not trusting any cat.
Roleplay Sample: The squirrel was taunting him, it’s brown fluffy tail waving back and forth as it sat too high to reach. Makkuro flicked his tail with annoyance and slid out of the tree. “Why’d you let that squirrel get away?” his hunting partner meowed jokingly. I felt bad about killing him, Makkuro thought sarcastically. I just wasn’t fast enough for this one, idiot… The black tom rolled his eyes and stalked away to find something else to hunt.
Plot Ideas: Um… Bengin wants to try to take over a clan? I don’t know really…
Comments: That comment took forever, but this blog seems pretty awesome and I think we’ll have a fun time role playing. Thanks for changing the comment thing so I can join the fun! Is there a limit to the number of cats you can role play? I want to also join as an ear(if the spaces are taken, then maybe a body guard) if I can. And ‘makkuro’ means ‘pitch black’ in Japanese, so his name’s pretty fitting. ^^

Formerly-Sunset said...

I might want to join as either an ear or body guard(like I said before) or the dictator's other if I can join as another cat. I'm just wondering because I know on some blogs there is a limit to the number of cats you can roleplay. :)

Dovewing said...

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.): Dove
Character Age: 4 years
Gender: she- cat
Rank: mute
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo): Beige she- cat with dark markings on her face, tail, and paws. She has light blue eyes that seem to look directly into your soul. She has a nick on one ear from when she was battling an eagle.
Personality (4 or more sentences): Usually gentle she-cat, Dove is shy, but she trusts only a handful of cats. She kills only when necessary and she is very defensive of her inability to speak. She is a fierce and strong fighter, and spent most of her life as a loner. But she was never soft.
History: Dove was born without the ability to speak, so she was always abandoned by her sibilings. She practiced battle moves by herself, and after she was given her warrior name, Doveflight, she left her Clan and took the name Dove.
Roleplay Sample: Dove watched the mouse scuttle among the tree roots, waiting for the right moment to pounce. Suddenly a crow sounded the alarm, and the mouse disappeared. "What was that? You weren't moving, that's for sure," she complained to herself in sign language. "And now you go wihtout dinner. Again," she thought. Dove quietly padded back to her makeshift nest in the roots of a tree, scannuing the ground for prey, but they had all retired for the night. She sighed and fell into a fitfull sleep.
Plot Ideas: Drought? Or greencough maybe later in the story?
Comments: This is gonna be great! So far it looks interseting.

Anonymous said...

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.): Nix
Character Age: 15 in cat years
Gender: Tom
Rank: Votary
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo): Scrawny and lean black tomcat with pale green eyes and long claws. His fur always bushes out when he's scared or angry, making him look many times his size. His green eyes are as colder than a frozen lake.
Personality (4 or more sentences): Nix is prickly, sarcastic, and defensive, with a sharp tongue and quick wits. He is cunning and hardhearted, loving no one except his twin sister Arrow, whom he is fiercely protective of. He won't hesitate to stab you in the back if it's to his advantage. He is a quick fighter and great with his claws.
History: He and his sister used to be part of a gang of ruthless alley cats, but they fled due to their parents' deaths. At first, they schemed against Bengin, and Arrow paid the price.
Roleplay Sample: "Run!" I hissed, egging my sister on. She was panting, and I gave her a nudge. Months of starvation and cold had taken most of our strength, but Arrow was the youngest. "We're almost there. Can't you taste the food?" I said, and Arrow ran harder. After only a few seconds, she collapsed, wheezing. "I...can't...Nix....go on...wiout me..." "NO!" I snarled. "I'm not leaving without you, Arrow." I grabbed her scruff in my neck and sprinted, my muscles screaming for me to stop, to lie down, to sleep...
Plot Ideas: How about Nix is a dissenter and plans to rebel against Bengin, but this time he leaves Arrow out of it?
Comments: HATE dictatorships, but this looks intriguing...

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.): Arrow
Character Age: 15 in cat years
Gender: Female
Rank: Mute
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo): Small light brown tabby she-cat with warm green eyes and soft fur. She has rather large ears and a friendly smile. Her pelt and claws are short.
Personality (4 or more sentences): Arrow is kindhearted and timid, though she's friendly and always willing to extend a helping paw. She can't speak due to loss of her tongue, but still manages to get on with daily life. She loves to play and is very naieve and trusting, sometimes getting her into trouble. She's good at healing others and hunting, but can't hurt another for the life of her.
History: *same as Nix's history above*
Roleplay Sample: Getting your tongue cut out is not fun. When Nix and I arrived, weak and starving, the first thing Bengin did was swipe claws across my muzzle and snarl. It didn't get much better from there. Nix was determined to get out, now that he saw what it was really like. We plotted, even though I was so frightened I felt my heart would stop. It was Nix who forced me to plot with him, to help him, and I paid the price. Now I can't utter a sound, can't wail a sorrow. Nix is brokenhearted, though he's wreathed himself in a cocoon of anger and misery. He can't bear to look at me, though we still share sparse meals. He's the only one I've got. I want so badly to tell him that I don't blame him, that I love him, he's always my dear brother Nix, but how can I when I can't even purr?

Dovewing said...

Name: Redfur
Gender: tom
Age: 5 years
Rank: bodygaurd
Appearence: Mostly orange tom with a white chest and paws. His tail tail is ringed with orange and white. He has a long scar running down his side.
Personality: Large tome wiht little mercy who loves a bloody battle. He was kicked out of his clan after he was found guilty of plotting against their leader and never bothered to change his name. His one true love is bossing other cats around, but is loyal to Bengin with all of his being. He is lound and scary, but doesn't speak often, for he thinks his actions speak for him.
History: Redfur was foound guilty of plotting to overthrow his leader and was exiled, only after he killed one of his Clanmates. He became a rouge and has killed many times since. Bengin found him and kept him, and now he only kills on her command or during battle.
Roleplay Sample: Redfur watched the cat hunt, eyes never moving from his target. The cat was completely unaware of Redfur and that was just as well, because she was in Redfur's "territory", the area he roamed and expected to be left alone. He watched her for another moment, then sprang form the shadwos. She wasn't much of a fight, Redfur's teeth quickly sinking into her throat.He stepped back and watched as she flailed for a short minute, then lay still. He dragged the body a short ways away and went back to hunting, the forest quiet again.
Plot ideas: same as my last comment
Comments: same as before.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.): Reina
Character Age: 20 moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Dictator’s Other
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo): Reina is an averaged sized she-cat with short, dusty grey tabby fur. Her muzzle and paws are tinged white. She has blazing golden green eyes that almost never show emotion.
Personality (4 or more sentences): Reina is often silent and expressionless; she knows how to hide her feelings well. There are times when you might see a flash of fear or anger in her eyes, or maybe a slight smile on her face, but that’s about it. She is a very smart, swift, and brave cat. She isn’t the strongest cat, but her excellent agility and cleverness make up for it. Reina will never hesitate to follow Bengin’s orders, both out of respect and fear of losing her life. Though she doesn’t like it when Bengin treats her harshly, but she would never stand up to her dictator. She likes to just sit alone peacefully and get lost in her thoughts, but she doesn’t get to do that very often.
History: When Reina was a kit, she lived with her mother and her big brother. Their den was an old fox hole. One day a fox showed up; the hole must have belonged to him at some point and he was trying to take it back. The two kits escaped alive, but their mother was killed defending them. Reina and her brother did alright living without their mother, until her brother was killed. A loose dog was chasing after them and Reina was too fast for it, but her brother wasn’t. The dusty grey she-cat lived on her own for quite a while until she found Bengin and became one of her followers, then soon the Dictator’s Other.
Roleplay Sample: The she-cats sat close to each other, dusty grey fur almost brushing pale orange. Reina’s ears were slightly pricked, in case the dictator had anything to say to her. The grey she-cat’s eyes slid shut as she began to relax a little. The slight breeze was quite calming. However, her eyes snapped back open at the sound of Bengin’s voice.
Plot Ideas: Um…someone besides Bengin figures out who the ears are?
Comments: Feel free to let Bengin abuse Reina! XD

Joann W. said...

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.): Rin
Character Age: 14 cat years
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Mute
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo): Rin is a dark brown tabby she-cat, her pelt as dark as shadows but appearing golden in the sunlight. Her pale green eyes watch many, learning things some cats don't dare find out. She's is slightly undersized, but is quick and can rip a cat to shreds if she chose to. (
Personality (4 or more sentences): Rin is very short-tempered and often holds grudges, waiting for the right moment for revenge. She's stealthy, always aware of whats going around her. Rin is often underestimated by her small size, which is how she always manages to finish off an opponent. Cats see her as murderous, but doesn't know that she'll never kill for sheer enjoyment.
History: Rin had never been the soft kind of cat. She had lived in the woods, fighting and fending for herself for the longest of times. She made the mistake of following a rogue, and almost got killed for putting her trust in that specific cat. She left the rogue with a snarl, spent three moons healing, and came back to slay the rogue. After that, she went on her own path. Rin found Bengin not long after, and snarled at the dictator, reminding herself of the rogue before. Bengin clawed her, took her in, and made her a Mute. Rin had wanted revenge ever since.
Roleplay Sample: Rin padded alongside Bengin, green eyes full of hatred. "Don't you know what happens if you disobey a dictator?" the ginger she-cat was saying. Rin's tail flicked irritably, wanting to rip the foxhearted she-cat to shreds. But all she could do as she made her way to 'home' was wait. And wait she did.
Plot Ideas: Erm...I really have no idea.
Comments: I think Bengin hates Rin now. So...

Christine Night said...
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Christine Night said...

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.):Mystic
Character Age: 18 in cat years
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Ear please
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo):Mystic is an averaged sized she-cat, she a white coat decorated with patches of black. Her once pure white coat has faded through years of misuse. She has two black patches over her eyes making it a natural mask. Despite her white coat, Mystic is hardly seen when she wants to be hidden.
Personality (4 or more sentences): Mystic is rather selfish and will only act for others if it has benefits for herself. She is rather wise in life due to experience. Mystic has a quick wit and a sharp tongue, she can get information easily from dim cats, but unfortunately the same things had put her life in danger and gave her some memorial scares. Before Mystic came to Begin, she used to always relie on her quick wit but for the first time in her life she has to survive on battle techniques. Unfortunately she isn't all that strong or skilled at it yet, it leaves her panicked and stressed under her usual clam, non-caring expression. Mystic decided to be "good" but she longs for her own freedom.
History: Mystic's Mother was a rouge so she never had a real home. Her Mother died from a lone male who killed her because she was dim witted enough to steal his kill right from under his nose. As she mourned for her Mother, Mystic vowed to be never like her, instead of a big fighter she choose to became a smooth talking cat. So since then she had to move around her whole life. She has bunked with rouges, kitty-pets and several clans learning something new every time. She even had a love from one of the Clans. No one really knows anything about it, all they knew is that he had to kill her and she nearly was.
Role-play Sample: "Gotcha!" Mystic purred as she pounced on the mouse. Suddenly a scrawny Queen came out of some bushes, kits in tow, eyeing the mouse desperately. "Please we haven't eaten in 7 days. My kits are staving.". Give a cat a fish and they eat for a day, but teach a cat how to fish and they eat for a lifetime. Mystic thought. "There is a clan about a halve days journey from here, they will help." Mystic said as she picked up her mouse and started walk away. "In Starclan's name have you no mercy! Do you think these kits can under take such a journey." The Queen yowled as Mystic walked away her head swimming in painful memories.
Plot Ideas: Nothing really
Comments: Can't wait to start.

Emma said...

Character Name (Remember, she also catches warrior cats, so it can also be a warrior name.): Ashcloud
Character Age: 5
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Ear (plz)
Appearance (3 or more sentences with a photo): Once a pretty white she-cat with gray flecks, over time her pelt got dirty and most of her fur turned gray. She has piercing green eyes. When she glares at you, it feels like the whole word stops and turns to ice. When she wants to, she can get so hidden it looks like she disappeared or shrinks, due to her small size.
Personality (4 or more sentences): Quiet. Very quiet. She's also VERY sarcastic, and can be rude. The only way to see her happy is to be her best friend, which is really hard.
History: Ashcloud lived happily in her clan until she was captured. Even though she likes her life currently, she misses her clan greatly.
Roleplay Sample: Ashcloud darted through the trees, following the gray tom. Seeing him splash into a river, she shrank down against the thick grass as low as she could and pelted alongside him, never looking away. The tom came out of the river, shook himself, and looked around. After what seemed like YEARS, he finally shook his head and went into his den. Creeping beside it, Ashcloud settled down to listen for any information. Hearing none, she slipped away.
Plot Ideas: Um... Attack by a Clan to get Ashcloud back?
Comments: None!

Emma said...
