ΡΛЯΛMOЯΕ. She came up with this entire IDEA.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

History of each cat

Bengin was always wrong in the mind, and born with little sense of others feelings. She just didn't care about anything but herself, and power. Lots and lots of power. In her mind, there were only two cats in the world that, by the laws of nature, held any ruling over her and could tell her what to do, no matter how old she got. Those two cats, were her parents. Bengin's parents were quite normal, they weren't bad, or overly nice, just normal. But, they still held power over Bengin. So, she simply eliminated them, her own flesh and blood. She force fed them death berries, and laughed as the twos cats coughed and gasped for their last breaths of air, begging their daughter for help and mercy. Oh, how wonderful that felt! Being in so much control, taking away a cat's life with force.That feeling was utterly awesome, but faded away none of the less. She needed that power to last longer, much longer. She killed a few other cats, and got the same thrill and what not, but oh my, she needed so much more.

She ended up creating the group, with her in the lead. She will rip out the tongue of a cat if she does not trust them.

Dictators Other~Reina
 When Reina was a kit, she lived with her mother and her big brother. Their den was an old fox hole. One day a fox showed up; the hole must have belonged to him at some point and he was trying to take it back. The two kits escaped alive, but their mother was killed defending them. Reina and her brother did alright living without their mother, until her brother was killed. A loose dog was chasing after them and Reina was too fast for it, but her brother wasn’t. The dusty grey she-cat lived on her own for quite a while until she found Bengin and became one of her followers, then soon the Dictator’s Other.

He's an only child, and got raised by his parents in the mountains. Sadly, a cougar killed his parents and he came to the forest for a fresh start.

Redfur was foound guilty of plotting to overthrow his leader and was exiled, only after he killed one of his Clanmates. He became a rouge and has killed many times since. Bengin found him and kept him, and now he only kills on her command or during battle.


Suspicion creeped over her from the very start, ever since her parents neglected her for five moons, and then left. In the five moons, while Tyari was still a kit, she hung on to them, not wanting to believe the had abandoned her. After those five moons, she left, traveling to distant lands. She fought off foxes, badgers, cats, and even the clutches of one or two humans. Wounds were opened, healed, and created the scar raked across her right eye. She found a clan named BreezeClan and was called Dapplefang. She was exiled by their leader, and went through the forest until she found Bengin, who had taken her in.


Unknown. She doesn't tell anyone.

Rasho wasn't always the mean, crooked, vile tom cat he is now. He started as quite the innocent young kit. But he was always sad. He felt like he had no control of his life, and every made choice for him. It drove him mad. His mentor and parents were so unbelievably hard on him, he couldn't take it anymore. One night, after being scolded for tearing up his prey, Rasho ran away from home. He befriended a few rouges, who began telling him about the wonders of controlled power. He absolutely loved how it sounded. He spent many moves perfecting every hunting move and battle move he could think of. Even the look in his eye changed to the cold, unfeeling green. After many moons, he returned to his old home. He looked down upon all those who had controlled him. A long kept feeling bubbled up in his stomach, his eyes flaring. He leaped down with a wild screech, unsheathing his claws right into the necks of his parents. He laughed with satisfaction as the blood seeped in between his toes. He heard a noise behind him, then slashed with his hind legs. That night, he killed almost half of the cats, then left, feeling happy. He wandered the forest alone, eventually killing his rouge friends since he felt that they were too "good". He came upon Bengin, and figured it was the perfect place for him.


He and his sister used to be part of a gang of ruthless alley cats, but they fled due to their parents' deaths. At first, they schemed against Bengin, and Arrow paid the price.


Makkuro never really told anyone about his history before joining Bengin’s dictatorship, and he can’t now that he’s lost his tongue. The farthest back Makkuro’s known history goes is the day that Bengin forced him to be one of her followers. Living as a votary, he cooperated for a while and didn’t cause any problems. Then Makkuro snapped and decided he couldn’t take it anymore.  He was able to escape the camp and make it out of the territory before he was found and dragged back. Bengin obviously didn’t trust him after that, so she ripped out his tongue and made sure that he is never out of sight. Now Makkuro lives as a mute, seeming like he’s insane and not trusting any cat.


Dove was born without the ability to speak, so she was always abandoned by her sibilings. She practiced battle moves by herself, and after she was given her warrior name, Doveflight, she left her Clan and took the name Dove.


Same as Nix.


Rin had never been the soft kind of cat. She had lived in the woods, fighting and fending for herself for the longest of times. She made the mistake of following a rogue, and almost got killed for putting her trust in that specific cat. She left the rogue with a snarl, spent three moons healing, and came back to slay the rogue. After that, she went on her own path. Rin found Bengin not long after, and snarled at the dictator, reminding herself of the rogue before. Bengin clawed her, took her in, and made her a Mute. Rin had wanted revenge ever since.

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