ΡΛЯΛMOЯΕ. She came up with this entire IDEA.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Beginning.

Bengin sat alone on top of her den. Her flashing green eyes, hard with hate, stared every cat moving about in the clearing."I own these cats." She purred to herself with satisfaction."I rule over them with fear." She flexed her long, sharp, blood-stained claws eagerly."Time for a little kill." She smiled, leaping down. She padded over to Ebony."Ehem." Ebony whipped around."Oh! Bengin!" She said in surprise. Bengin quickly scored her claws on Ebony's face and then into her throat. Ebony gasped for her last breaths, then the gorgeous black she-cat fell to the ground, blood pouring from her wound. Bengin smiled, breathing in the smell of the blood. She then stalked back to her den, tail high."Talon, dispose of the body." She growled into her body-guards ear.


Anonymous said...

Arrow glanced at her brother, but his eyes were hard, accustomed to killing. Tears welled up in her eyes and she sighed, the only sound she could make.

Nix watched Bengin, his green eyes unfathomable.

Dovewing said...

Dove watched Bengin kill Ebony, her face void of emotion. Over the years she had become excellent at keeping her face blank. She watched Talon drag the body away, thoughts buzzing through her mind. "Why am I still here? I could slip away whenever I want. And I bet no one would care," she thought. But she stayed, no matter how many times she thought she could get away. She didn't know why.

Joann W. said...

Tyari slid out her claws, digging them into the earth as she watched Talon haul Ebony's body away. She was chosen as an Ear for Bengin, but she's been fighting it inwardly. All she's wanted to do is get out of Bengin's grasp. But for now, all she can do is follow her orders. Tyari growled, hiding it skillfully, and turned away from the scene.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Makkuro glanced from Ebony's body to Bengin. That cold hearted monster. Why she would want to kill one of her followers for no's just beond me, the black tom thought. He glanced desprerately at the entrance to the camp. His cold eyes flickered around clearing, gazing at every cat. Makkuro sighed and shook his head as he padded over to his den and stalked inside. That she-cat's just mad...


☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

(LOL, she killed Ebony because an Ear told her that EBony was plottong a big takeover against her. Bengin actually doesn't kill for no reason XP)

Benging returned to her den. She curled up in her nest, letting a paw dangle out comfortably. She began to groom her sleek, ginger fur.

Anonymous said...

Cherry watched Talon drag Ebony's body away. The small she cat shook her head and let out a quite sigh then looked at all the other cats she could tell they were all hiding what they truly thought about this. 'What is wrong with that cat...' She thought then turned away and blended back into the shadows.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"Yes Bengin," Talon meowed and picked up Ebony's limp body by the scruff. He dragged her out of the camp and into the forest. He quickly dug a hole and threw Ebony down into it. He kicked dirt over it, and padded back to th camp.

Dovewing said...

Redfur watched from his place outside Bengin's den. "Serves her right," he thought to himself. He knew that most of the cats would have their own plans to plot against Bengin. He was an expert on that. He himself had tried to get rid of his old leader. "Starclan? Pfft. When hedgehogs fly I'll believe in them," he thought. Redfur silently watched the other cats mill around.

Anonymous said...

Arrow sighed and followed Makuro's lead into his den.

Joann W. said...

Tyari's tail lashed as she found a place in the shade, crouching near a large stone. The she-cat slowly blended into the background, and watched everything, hating herself for doing it all the while. She sent a fierce glare to Bengin while she had her back turned, and suppressed a snarl. As she gazed around, Tyari met the eyes of Redfur, and her gaze hardened in hatred. Stupid furball. He knows what Bengin's doing and he doesn't care.

Formerly-Sunset said...

(lol, but Makkuro doesn't know that. He just thinks she's crazy. XD)

The black tom's fur blended into the shadows at the back of the den. He was tightly curled up in his nest, face expressionless. But his blueish eyes were focused on Arrow as she entered the darkness, watching her every movement.


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Talon padded towards Bengin's den and settled down on one side of it. He watched everyone.(He's doing his job!)

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Bengin curled up into her nest at the back of her den. She raised a paw to her mouth and casually licked it, flexing her blood-stained claws.

Anonymous said...

Arrow felt a pair of eyes on her and her gaze flicked up to meet Makkuro's. She smiled at him, her green eyes warm.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Makkuro's expression didn't change, he simply flicked his tail in greeting. He laid his head down on his paws and gazed blankly at the entrance to the den. He glanced occationally at Arrow, but then looked away and stared at the light pouring in from the entrance once more.


Dovewing said...

Dove sat in the shadows of the den, giving herself a thorough bath. She had that advantage because her tounge hadn't been ripped out.

Redfur watched Tyari with eyes made of steel. He particularly didn't like her. He didn't know why. He just felt like she couldn't be trusted.

Joann W. said...

Tyari raised her lips in a silent snarl, staring at Redfur as if saying, I'm an Ear, mousebrain. Why would I betray Bengin? Of course, all the while, she was focusing on her own thoughts. Tyari's tail flicked suddenly, but she held Redfur's stare evenly.

Dovewing said...

Redfur flattened his ears against his head and narrowed his eyes, all the while holding Tyari's gaze without blinking.

Dove noticed the uneasy silence that had settled upon the clearing and saw Redfur and Tyari staring at each other. "This will be interesting," she thought, getting up and silently slinking into the den past Arrow and Makkuro and nodding at each of them, choosing a nest closer to the mouth of the den and watching the 2 cats stare each other down.

Joann W. said...

Tyari's gaze hardened, not breaking the tension between the two cats. Her tail lashed behind her, full of hatred. Her amber eyes weren't forgiving, gaze merciless.

Dovewing said...

Redfur's stare hardened into jade, light green crystals that glowed with the warmth of fire fueled by hatred. He remembered the feeling of a kill, the satisfaction of ridding the world of an enemy. His tail lashed, known he wouldn't kill Tyari unless told so by Bengin.
(XD sorry I had to use description in my first sentence. Imma nerd..)

Joann W. said...

Tyari sank her claws into the earth, and suddenly her amber eyes didn't look as sweet as honey anymore. She knew he wouldn't attack, not when she held Bengin's trust by being an Ear. She knew exactly what he was aching to do, but she wasn't going to let him.

Dovewing said...

Redfur flexed his claws, scouring deep gashes in the dirt. He sharpened his claws daily, and they were long, as long as Bengin's. His instinct told him to go straight for her throat, but his mind told him to do his job. He poured his hatred into his rock- hard stare, not knowing the exact reason for hating Tyari.

Joann W. said...

Tyari grinned, gaze still menacing. I knew it. She sheathed her claws again, drawing a paw over her ear. I've been through too many things to make me lose a battle to some cat.

Dovewing said...

Redfur watched Tyari smile in success and flexed his claws again. "If she thinks she's won, she's gravely mistaken. This is only the beginning," he thought. He was known for holding serious grudges.

Joann W. said...

(Ah, don't worry Redfur. She doesn't. xD)

Tyari twitched, sensing a change in camp. Well, goodbye Redfur. You're not worth my time right now. She broke off the silent hatred between her and Redfur and glanced toward the entrance. I could've sworn someone was there a second ago... She shifted back into the shadows, hiding herself.

Formerly-Sunset said...

The dusty grey she-cat sat in the entrance of Bengin's den, watching the camp. She felt like there was something going on between Tyari and Redfur, but simply forgot about it when Tyari walked away from the orange tom. The camp seemed mosty calm except for that, so Reina sat contently and relaxed a little.


His blue-grey gaze was filled with jelousy as he watched Dove groom herself. Makkuro thought about how ruffled and unkept his black fur was, and how he had almost forgotten what it feels like to stroke his tounge across his pelt. His tail flicked back and forth as he was lost in thought.


☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Bengin stood up and stretched. She padded out of her den, acknowledging Talon and Redfur, then padded to the den where the others slept."Tyari!" She called in a totally fake sweet voice."Why don't you groom their pelts for them. We don't want filthy cats, now do we?" She purred, her eyes portraying nothing but evil hatred. She then turned to Cherry and Nix."You all as well." She stared at them, a smile plastered on her face. Bengin then nodded to Reina, signalling she wanted to speak with her and returned to her den.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Reina nodded in reply. She slipped into the den and sat close to Bengin's nest, then waited for the orange she-cat.


Anonymous said...

Arrow jumped badly at the sound of Bengin's voice, her green eyes showing fear. She padded over to sit hesitantly beside Makkuro and begin to gently nibble his pelt in an effort to groom it as a friendly gesture.

Nix shot a filthy glare at Bengin's retreating back and glanced away quickly, afraid of being seen. He saw his poor sister trying to groom a black tomcat and sighed.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Bengin laid down comfortably, tucking her paws underneath her."I've been thinking," She said seriously and darkly."We aren't getting too many cats lately. We must have more. I was wondering if maybe we should start traveling." She said, her eyes dark."What do you think?" I must have more cats t rule over. She thought to herself. The feeling is fading again.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Makkuro's tail bristled and he shot a glare at Arrow, he probably would have hissed if he could. The black tom stood up and sat back down a tail length away. He knew knew she was probably just trying to be nice, but biting his fur wouldn't help groom it that well.


The she-cat thought a moment before replying to her dictator. "Well, if cats don't come to us, then the only thing we can do is come to them. I agree that it's a good idea," she said calmly, her eyes meeting Bengin's.


Dovewing said...

Dove closed her eyes for a moment, then got up and walked over to Makkuro, starting to groom his pelt before he could protest. She heard him sigh, and started thinking a mile a minute. She wondered what it was like to talk. She had never known. At least the other mutes had been able to speak.

Joann W. said...

Tyari let out a snarl, hiding it swiftly with a flick of her tail. Thanks Bengin. Maybe I should help them sharpen their claws too. She rolled her eyes, padding over to her den after a cautious glance at Bengin's den.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Bengin smiled slightly, pleased at her adviser's ability to speak levelly, eye to eye."Well then, I presume we shall begin traveling soon. You are dismissed."

Anonymous said...

Arrow sighed as Makkuro walked away, giving her an ugly look. Cats here are so unfriendly, she thought.

Nix padded over to his twin and began to gently lick her pelt.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Reina dipped her head and left Bengin's den. She padded calmy through the clearing and found a shady spot to relax. The greyish she-cat sat down and sighed, her golden green eyes flickering around the clearing.

The black tom sat and let Dove groom his pelt, tail flicking back and forth. Blueish grey eyes were focused on nothing. I don't like being so close to other cats....but at least my pelt will be clean. One of the many thoughts that were buzzing through Makkuro's mind at the moment.